Sunday, February 12, 2012

#7: Express Your Love on Valentine's Day

What does Valentine’s Day mean to you and your relationship?
I know people who argue that it is just another commercial holiday when the business community puts the pressure on to make us throw away our hard earned money. Maybe or maybe not. It’s all how you look at it. The bottom line is celebrating your love does not have to cost you any extra money than you already spend regularly.
In my opinion, set-aside holidays serve as a wonderful reminder to do those things that we get so busy and easily forget to do. So my suggestion will be to take advantage of Valentine’s Day. The important thing is that you take the time to spend some quality time together and express you love for each other.
Here is a list of things that will cost you little or nothing:
·         Buy a greeting card that comes close to expressing what you feel and read it out loud to your love one
·         Write a letter and read it out loud to them
·         Make dinner special (cook or take out)
·         Dance to your favorite love tune
·         Give them a loving hug, look them in the eye and express your love
·         Go to bed at least 30 minutes earlier than usual to…(you fill in the blank)
Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!

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