Saturday, January 28, 2012

#2: Let Your Guard Down - Relax

Think about how we attract our mates. We make sure to look our very best and sound as intelligent as we can manage. In other words, we get on a mission to impress. That’s a natural reaction in the animal kingdom---and lest you forget, humans are also considered animals.
Some of the ways animals attract their mates include scent, color display and mock fighting. There are animals capable of producing a hormonal scent that females respond to and are able to track the male. Many change color at mating time, while others have fights where the winner gets the mate.
If you think about it, humans can, and often times, do try these very same techniques when it comes to attracting mates but that’s a topic for a different time and place.

I remember when my husband and I newly started dating I wouldn’t see him without getting my eyes done—eyeliner, brow liner and mascara. At the time I believed that that look enhanced my beauty without looking like I tried too hard. Besides, he had complimented my eyes and they were made up at the time so why take the chance to have him see them bare—didn’t feel like a smart thing to do if I wanted him sticking around.
There are countless things that people do to continue to impress their mates. However, those things are fine when you’re just getting to know each other. As time goes on, it is normal to let go of much of the fear and anxiety brought on by thinking that a particular act or change in expectation might lead to loss of interest from the other person.

As the relationship matures, you should be able to let your guard down, so that the other person sees and learns about the many different aspects (great and not so great) of you and your life. And if they really care about you and love you as they profess, it should be ‘all good’.

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